Artemis Brand

Artemis is a feminist brand producing high quality sanitary pads. As the name implies, Artemis’s mission is to protect women. They donate pads to women in need and educate them in sanitary care.


As the name implies, the brand Artemis provides sanitary care for women during their menstruation. It is as same as the Goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology - Artemis whose mission is also to protect women. The images related to Artemis are in the center of designs, the packagings are illustrated a hunting day of Artemis from day to night. The logo is a combination of the letter 'A' standing for Artemis and a bow, Artemis's weapon. The brand provide products are various that fully meet consumers' needs in their period. Four types of products are panty liners for everyday use, pads for normal day, heavy day and night corresponding to four different time of Artemis's hunting day which are morning, afternoon, evening and night. Each illustrated packaging portrays a deer, which is Artemis's favorite animal in different poses of running, standing, resting and sleeping in the forest.

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